I've been involved in my own war against terror for several years now, and only recently have I been able to claim a few victories. Our back yard is our pride and joy except for the ugly mounds of dirt that mar the grassy surface. I declared war on "Molezilla" in 2005 and have been trying to trap him and his fellow terrorists ever since.
The mole trap that I carefully set according to instructions from my friend Don, (an ex-mole trapper) always came up empty and it seemed like the moles increased their attacks in revenge for my attempts. Finally in November when I had almost given up and surrendered, I got him!
It had to be Molezilla!
He was huge! I did a victory dance back into the house dragging his carcass behind me. (Well, he wasn't quite that big, but big for a mole!) After Carol threw me and the mole back outside, I buried him in a mole hole. There! let that be a lesson to them! Any moles traveling that route would see that the war had seriously escalated!
They fought back, tunneling and mounding everywhere, and the yard dropped several inches in elevation from tunnels collapsing. They even tried recruiting our dog, Chewy! (See pic.)
Then, I got the number two mole! (I haven't printed a deck of cards yet but I'm thinking about it.) I asked Carol if she would like me to start skinning them and tanning the hides for a mole skin jacket, but she declined.
I also have considered a surge in the war, (buying another trap) but we'll see how the battle goes this spring. I'll keep you informed.