Lets see… What’s been going on around here lately...
Carol’s been really busy on the ambulance, one day she had 4 calls, I think she’s averaging over one a day for the month even though she takes a couple of days a week off.
I tried barbecuing a “Beer Can Chicken” and it came out excellent. You stick a half-full can of beer in the chicken’s rear end and stand it up in the Barbie to cook. With a few Hickory chips on the coals and the steam from the beer it really has a great flavor.
Yesterday was Waldport’s “Beachcomber Days” celebration; J.C. and I went to the car show to look at all of the old restored cars.
They sure bring back a lot of memories. You always overhear the old-timers like us saying, “ I had one just like that when I was a kid!” or, “My dad drove one of those!”
Carol cooked two huge pots of beans and bacon to feed all of the firemen, medics, Coast Guard and Sheriffs who hang out at the firehouse during and after the parade.
Last night Taz woke us up barking at something outside. We turned on the outside lights and everything looked OK, but this morning I saw that the Raccoons had raided the fish pond again and made off with another Koi. They’ve got two of them so far this month, so I guess I’ll have to get a live trap and try to catch them. It seems like if it’s not moles, ants, fleas, weeds, dry rot, moss, deer and raccoons, it’s trees getting ready to fall on something they’re not supposed to.
This morning I drug the kayak to the lake and lost two big Trout. One broke my line when he jumped, and just as I was getting ready to land the other one, the hook pulled out. I did get a couple of smaller ones for tomorrow's breakfast though.