Saturday, November 07, 2015

Our Soap Opera

Lately we seem to be living in a never ending soap opera.
The days of our lives are overshadowed by illness and heartache. As the world turns on it's axis, we spend much of our time in the dark shadows of General Hospital. We only have one life to live, but all my children are still among the young and restless.
In last seasons episodes:
Carols C.R.S.* problems worsened, and Roberts cancer was deemed “non aggressive.”
Adam was lost in a boating accident in Alaska and Aiden swam to safety. Nicole, Aiden and Isabell moved into their new house.
David and Allison moved into a new house. David started a new job. Walker started walking.
Brad also started walking (without a cane) and passed his drivers test using hand controls. He discovered that he can run when being chased by wasps. Donna is studying at Community College and awaiting an MRI for her episode of *C.R.S.
Don and Dianna split up, dividing their kids; Austin with Don, and Shelby with Dianna. Don had a stroke and began physical therapy. Don and Austin got in a fight and Austin moved out.
Taz got a hot spot on his butt and Squeak found new neighbors to bark at.
Expect more intrigue and excitement in the next seasons episodes.

*Can't Remember Shit!