Mornings have evolved into a now familiar ritual and any slight variance can cause major consequences, sometimes lasting all day. In other words, if something doesn't go right in the morning, the rest of the day is probably going to be screwed up.
First awareness comes around 4am when Taz jumps on me and starts pushing and pawing. If I try to ignore him, he'll lick my face, which always works to finish waking me up. I scratch his belly for a few minutes, crawl out of bed, scratch my belly, switch on the light and get dressed.
After stumbling into the kitchen, I get some fresh coffee brewing while Taz waits impatiently at the back door. After the coffee's started, I'll grab a coat if it's cold, a raincoat if it's raining, and go out into the backyard with Taz for our morning pee. I let him choose the spot; usually out past the Japanese Maple tree in the middle of the yard, or if he really has to go, he beelines for the closer grass right at the end of the deck.
When we first started this routine I used to wait for him to finish and then go inside to go to the bathroom myself, but then I realized; What the heck! It's dark out here, the neighbors can't see into our back yard even if it's light out, and I really have to go! So, we started the ritual of the morning pee.
I noticed some time ago that when Taz is through, he always scratches the grass with his paws, sending grass and leaves flying, as if to celebrate a job well done! Unfortunately, the one time I tried it, I not only got a funny look from Taz, but my slipper flew off and I had to hop one-legged across the wet grass to retrieve it. (Not easy at my age!)
Once our morning pee is over, it's time to start a fire in the fireplace. Taz usually waits by the front door while I get some logs and kindling from the carport, and then while I light the fire he goes in to the front bedroom and wakes Chewy up. Chewy used to resist this rude awakening, but like me, he finally decided he might as well not fight it, so he grumpily gets up and follows Taz out into the living room. About the time the fire is crackling and popping they're both lined up in the kitchen waiting for their morning bowl of milk.
How this got started, I'm not really sure. Chewy loves milk, and even though I don't think Taz likes it that much, he has to have whatever Chewy gets. After a little milk and a snack of dog food, (Chewy has special vet- prescribed, expensive dog food that he hates, but Taz, of course, steals it and gobbles it up,) the two of them go to the back door so I can let them out for their morning pee. Sometimes I think Chewy's bladder is the size of a basketball while Taz has one about the size of a BB!
Chewy is 90% blind so he goes out and down the ramp we built for him, using memory and his sense of smell, but I think Taz helps by leading the way. If it's raining I have to go out and bring Chewy in sometimes, because the rain washes away the scent and he gets lost. If they're wet when they come in, I dry them with a bath towel and breath a sigh of relief. That part of the morning ritual over, I can check the email and maybe do some writing, because both dogs have gone back to bed!
Later, when I wake Carol up with a “It's 5:30 Hon!” Taz is right there again, to make sure she gets up OK. They usually play a “growling at each other” game that ends up with Carol chasing Taz into the living room. Chewy keeps on sleeping, and I eat some breakfast.
The morning ritual is over.
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