I can't believe that I've been doing this blog for over four years now!
In that time our grand kids have grown up, and great grand kids have been born. Carol logged hundreds of calls driving the ambulance, we said sad goodbyes to our dogs Boom Boom and Chewy, said hello to two new puppies Taz and Squeak, had a couple hundred of our weekly barbecues with my brother, weathered wind storms, ice storms, snow storms, power failures, and heat waves. One of the Pine trees in front of the house blew down blocking the highway, and I was diagnosed with Parkinson's disease.
We caught Salmon and Trout, went kayaking, and hiking, landscaped the back yard, painted the house, turned an old dock into firewood, and Carol traced our family tree back to the Pleistocene era. I try to walk at least a mile every day, Carol usually walks two or more, but when the weather's stormy we do jigsaw puzzles for exercise.
Writing about our boring lives and trying to make it interesting is a challenge, but it's also a lot of fun.