After just two days Taz has matured from a care free ne'er do well into a mentor and teacher. It's unbelievable how much he's changed since we got the new puppy. Squeak follows Taz almost everywhere, but if she gets too rambunctious she gets a quick warning growl to settle her down.
Amazingly, Taz lets Squeak play with his precious toys, (he won't let the great grand kids play with them!) and he even lets her drink and eat out of his bowls. It's almost as though he's taken on the role of a wise Kung Fu master.
“Follow me grasshopper, and I will show you things that you have only dreamed of!”
“Do not chew on the table legs, or scratch your rear on the carpet. Those are NO!s.”
“If you bite this toy like this, it makes a good squeaky noise! See?”
“Do not worry, you will be able to do it someday. I will teach you.”
“When you growl and whine like this, they will let us outside to do our business.”
“Always do this outside, never in the house. That is a very big NO!”
“Here is a good spot to...Why are you pooping like that? It is very undignified!”
“Here is the very spot where I killed a mole when I was still a pup.”
“Over here is some good tasty grass to eat.”
“In the summer I will show you how to eat apples, too.”
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