The wind really blew last night and I could hear rain beating against the bedroom wall most of the night. The dogs started trying to wake me up around 3:30 am, but I managed to ignore them until 4 when I gave up, got out of my warm bed and got dressed to let them out.
I put on a hoody, strapped my LED headlamp on and trudged through the backdoor to take them out and get some firewood from the woodshed. I looked back and both of the dogs were sitting inside on the enclosed porch, their heads cocked in curiosity, watching me get wet. I got an armload of wood and hurried back inside where the dogs sat, nice and dry, still looking at me like I was an idiot.
I dried myself off, built a fire in the fireplace, put on a pot of coffee and went in the den to turn on the computer, check the latest news and read our email. About a half an hour later I realized that they still hadn't been outside yet, so I decided that maybe a high-school coach pep talk would get them going.
I called them to the door and in an excited voice I told them,”OK, let's go get em now! Go get em! Let's go out there and show that storm who's boss!”
They began to get in the spirit of things; Taz was growling and scratching the floor, and Squeak was jumping up and down and squeaking. I built the excitement some more while I put on my hoody and headlamp, “Are you ready now?” The dogs were at a fever pitch when I opened the door, growling and squeaking like a mini-pack of mini-wolves ready for a kill.
They tore through the door and landed on the patio at full speed ahead. It only took a nanosecond for them to realize that it was still raining and they didn't even slow down as they made a u-turn and almost knocked me down on their way back into the house. I don't think they even got wet.
Finally around 7:30, the rain let up for a few minutes and they followed me out onto the back yard, did their business and came back in for their usual morning bacon-bit treat.
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