Friday, April 30, 2010

Froglegs and Eggplants

Early last Thursday morning Carol accompanied me to the hospital where I was scheduled for surgery to repair an inguinal hernia. As usual, our little hospital was fast and efficient, and before I knew it I was in a hospital gown, and under a warm blanket with an IV dripping into me. Carol sat beside me as the male nurse, Bill got me ready for the operation.

In my pre-op interview a few days earlier when an RN asked if I had any allergies, I answered, “None,” then I added, “Oh yeah, I'm allergic to frog legs!” (Being a slow learner it took me three tries of eating them and becoming deathly ill each time, to figure it out!)

Evidently, the nurse wrote it down on my record because Bill made a special arm band for me that read in bold letters: Allergic to frog legs! (Just in case the cafeteria had them on the menu, I guess.”)

After surgery, Doctor Larsen came in to give me my post-op instructions, he said that everything had gone hunky-dory. It was a good thing Carol was there to hear what he said because I was still pretty dopey. We were home by a little after noon and I hobbled around for a while and went to bed.

Friday was kind of blurry, but I remember that it hurt to bend over, and it hurt to sneeze, hiccup or cough. The pain pills worked pretty well, but I was out of it for most of the day.

Saturday morning, as per instructions, I grabbed some clean clothes, took a nice warm shower, dried off and started to remove the dressing over the incision so I could replace it. Looking down, I suddenly realized that something was drastically wrong.

Holy S**t! My p***er is purple!

Not only my p***er, but the family jewels were purple too! They weren't just a little bit purple, it looked like I had (rather small) eggplants hanging off of my crotch. I showed my technicolor thingies to Carol and she said, “It looks swollen, too!”

“Nah, that's normal size,” I said, trying to glean something positive from my predicament.

I thought about calling the doctor, but since it was the weekend, and since I had very little pain, I decided to wait and see what developed. My follow up appointment was on the next Tuesday and by then things were almost back to normal.

“Sometimes that happens,” doctor Larsen shrugged when I told him about my purple problem. Thanks for warning me about that, Doc! I thought, but since he seemed happy with my progress, I listened quietly while he warned me about lifting anything heavier than a gallon milk jug. (I didn't even ask him if that was a full or an empty one, but I was tempted.)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Hot Potato

In my usual morning hazy, daze, I stuck a potato in the microwave for three minutes so it could nuke while I fried some bacon, sausage and eggs. I got the bacon and sausage going, cracked a couple of eggs into another pan and stuffed some rye bread into the toaster.

The dogs decided that they wanted out again, so I opened the door for them and went back to cooking.

I poured a glass of milk, rolled the sausages around and flipped the bacon over. The eggs were almost done so I took them off the burner, buttered the toast and let the dogs back in.

I got a plate down and slid the eggs onto it. Out of the corner of my eye I noticed that the fire I had lit in the fireplace was merrily burning.

Oh crap! That's not the fireplace, it's the microwave!

I turned it off and realized that I had evidently double punched the three button and set it for thirty three minutes instead of three. I fumbled around under the sink looking for a spritzer bottle with water in it to put out the fire, but by the time I found one, the blaze had gone out. There actually wasn't much left to burn.

I put the last cremains of a Yukon Gold potato in the sink, ran water on it and started the exhaust fan to clear out the smoke. It doesn't smell too bad I thought, forgetting about the loss of my sense of smell.

When Carol got up she let me know that her sense of smell works just fine!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Slow movin old man

I've got to start moving around more.

Twice now while sitting on JC's deck sipping wine I've had spiders attaching their webs to me.

The other day one made me cross eyed as it slowly lowered itself from the bill of my cap. I guess getting up every now and then to pee isn't enough to let them know that I'm not a tree or a bush. Next thing you know I'll start growing... wait, what's that green stuff on the north side of my legs?