On my walk a couple of days ago as I approached the lake, I could see someone walking back and forth along the highway guard rail. As I got closer I saw that it was a woman looking out on the water, singing and chanting, while she shook what looked like a beaded bag with large feathers attached to it. She was dressed in modern clothing and she had long black hair.
I couldn't help staring at her from across the highway, and when she suddenly turned and looked at me I realized that she was an American Indian. I waved and weakly said, ”Hi!” She smiled, shook the feathered thing at me a couple of times, turned back to the lake and resumed singing, shaking and pacing.
I tried to watch her, but after stumbling a couple of times trying to walk backwards, I went on my way. I could hear her sing-song chant long after I passed the lake.
Later while I told my brother about her, I wondered, did she bless me or curse me?
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