Proselytizing: The act of attempting to convert people to another opinion and, particularly, another religion.
In my opinion, sending email espousing one's religious or political views is just as objectionable as having a Jehovah’s Witness knock on the door and try to tell me what to believe in, or someone calling me on the phone telling me who to vote for.
Lately TV has been inundated with mud-slinging political ads, most of which are exaggerated, taken out of context or just plain lies, and most people will tell you that they don't like them, but then they'll go ahead and forward the most outrageous email as long as it supports their views.
I'm tired of getting emails demonizing President Obama, or any other political figure.
I'm tired of getting emails telling me that God has blessed me, but if I don't pass it on to ten others, fire and brimstone will rain down on me.
Carol and I have our own, sometimes differing, opinions and beliefs on politics and religion and we respect each others right to those opinions and beliefs. We try to stay informed by various news sources and we are both registered Independents, voting for the person, not the party..
Religious or political emails are deleted, unread.