I've had Biopsies, Cat
scans, MRI's, Echo Cardiograms, a Colonoscopy, Cystoscopy. an EGD
(whatever that is) Xrays, countless blood tests and I still keep
finding more things going wrong with my body.
I can't sleep on either
side anymore because of arthritis in my hips, and I can't sleep on my
back in bed because of apnea and snoring so loud I wake myself up, so
I moved into the den and onto my recliner. It keeps my head and upper
body elevated (to avoid acid reflux) and my feet elevated (for edema
in my ankles and feet). Hopefully my Urologist won't advise me to
elevate my junk, because my recliner won't bend that way.
I'm taking four
different prescription pills, one and a half four times a day for
Parkinson's, one three times a day for the nausea caused by the
Parkinson's pills, and two once a day for prostate cancer. I quit
taking the one for the constipation caused by the one that...Oh shit,
I lost track.
I wear compression
stockings, (Geezer squeezer socks) for the edema. The first time I
tried putting them on I almost wiped myself out. It was like getting
into a wrestling match with myself and losing! I finally found a
Youtube video that showed a better way to put the damn things on. (It
still ain't easy!)
I have alarm clock
software in my computer that tells me when to take my pills, which I
keep in a pill minder to keep track of what pills to take when the
alarm goes off.
I know it could be a
lot worse, I'm lucky to get around as well as I do. A lot of old
timers who are hurting much more than I am will probably laugh at my
meager list of complaints, but then, I'm probably not through yet!
I wrote lyrics several
years ago about Parkinson's Disease; if your old enough you might
remember Monty Python's “I'm a lumberjack and I'm OK.” If you
don't, here's a YouTube link:
I'm a shaky guy and I
don't care
I drool on my pillow
here and there
My jaw wiggles every
time I yawn
I'm way too tired to
mow the lawn
It's quite a sight when
I try to eat
My fork keeps dropping
that piece of meat
Everything I say is
answered by What?
My voice is a whisper I
repeat a lot
My writing is tiny of
this I'm sure
I can't even read my
own signature
It could be worse I do
know that
I just sit here in my
cowboy hat
drinking red wine in my
favorite chair
I'm a shaky guy and I
don't care