Since Parkinson's disease has reduced my voice to little more than a raspy whisper, I sometimes get frustrated at not being able to speak loud enough to be heard.
However, I've found that because of this I'm becoming a much better listener. This is not a bad thing.
Now, during a conversation, I try to take time to think about what I want to say, and often after some consideration, I just keep quiet and listen. Like Thumper was told in the movie Bambi, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!"
A few of our family and friends are getting hard of hearing, which compounds the problem, but as long as they can see my face, a little lip reading on their part helps.
I've also found that It's pretty hard to put your foot in your mouth if you keep your mouth shut, although it is possible, (especially if you're married.)
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