Well, I finally remembered not to eat before a fasting blood test and got that accomplished. A few days later the clinic called and said the results were negative.
Then I went to the hospital in Newport for chest x rays, and again the results were negative.
Next was the CT scan, and except for springing a leak and dripping blood all over the floor after they unhooked the IV, I passed it with flying colors.
A Colonoscopy was next and when I went to the pre-op appointment to see Dr. Hoque, he suggested having an EGD, (Esophagogastroduodenoscopy) also. Which is basically the same as a Colonoscopy but they go down from the top end to look at the inside of the stomach. (Hopefully not with the same equipment!)
Carol and I arrived at the hospital a little after 6:am, since I was the first “procedure” of the day. I weighed in at 131 pounds. The nurses and anesthetist all were great as they prepped me,and at 8:am they rolled me into the operating room.
The next thing I knew I was in the recovery room waking up.
In a little while a nurse helped me into a wheelchair and wheeled me back out to the outpatient room where I had started. They paged Carol and after she arrived another nurse sat down with us to explain what they had found and what the doctor had prescribed.
They had found and removed a polyp from my colon, (No big deal.)
The doctor advised a high fiber diet. Yum, sticks and twigs!
The EGD however, revealed a Hiatal hernia and Gastritis (inflammation of the stomach lining) and they had the gross pictures to prove it!
The doctor prescribed Carafate liquid, 2 ounces 4 times a day for 2 months. The nurse pointed to the sheaf of instructions for me to take home. The Carafate can only be taken 1 hour before and 2 hours after you eat. Huh?
The doctor also advised no coffee or alcohol for the next 2 months. WHAT?
My head was spinning from the leftover anesthetic and the instructions, but I did manage to ask, “Could any of these things be the reason for my weight loss?”
“No, the doctor doesn't think so.” Great!
So I still don't know why I'm losing weight, my morning coffee and my evening wine are gone for two months and I have to drink this gunk that tastes like watered down Pepto Bismol 4 times a day.
Poor Uncle Bobbert, I am so sorry you are having to give up your morning and evening rituals, but if the Doc. Says, Well then you just have to be brave and buck up for a couple of Months. I am pulling for you and I am even willing to drink extra coffee and wine just for you. lol, I love you and miss you and Aunt Carol. Teri